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Using emotions to increase turnover

Three ways emotional conversion optimization is changing the face of marketing.

Using emotions to increase turnover

The most successful stores are not just selling products.

The most successful stores are not just selling products. You can see that by the size of the crowds congregating around them. Starbucks gets jammed in the morning, while people just trickle into other nearby coffee shops. It isn’t that the coffee is any better at Starbucks. Certainly the prices aren’t lower. There is a secret ingredient that does such strange things to the sales lines at these unique sales outlets. They are emotional factors which the customers themselves may not be fully aware of. Mysterious emotional factors drive them in the doors, through the long queues and into their wallets. What is this relationship between emotional optimization and increase in turnover?

Mysterious emotional factors:

Starbucks isn’t selling coffee. They are selling emotional states, basic emotional states associated with well-being that go well beyond the product itself.

The success of Starbucks and other successful companies like Uber and Domino’s Pizza comes from their ability to build basic motivation-generating emotional states through their products’ images and marketing. The question for marketers is, how to generate a driver emotional state through product image and branding? To do this, how does one see the kind of mental state the product is currently generating. It could be an iterative scientific process.

  • Build an image.
  • Test the emotional response to the image.
  • Modify the image.
  • Test again.

Using this process you will find the strongest emotional driver state.  

Assessing emotional response to marketing:

In their 1986 book, Ronald Hill and Michael Mazis of American University proposed a useful approach to the problem that was the best they could do at the time. Namely, they proposed an “emotional attitude scale” that can be administered when or after post consumer interviews.

The human eye has evolved very precise and precise recognition instrumentations for the recognition of human motions in faces and other indicators. This recognition capability is the basis for our rich social and community life. Getting this recognition function into a useful, quantitative form has been the fly-in-the ointment that has stymied a lot of scientific marketing effort. Most researchers measure emotions by their “affective display,” facial expressions, posture, and voice expression through observation techniques and self-report.

The Facial Action Coding system, developed in 1978 by Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen systematizes the visual observation of recorded facial expressions so that expressions can be matched to a manual or catalog of facial expressions. The FAC system includes a training process that leads to certification of FACs readers.

Now, a number of more sophisticated applications are being developed based on the extensive FACs facial catalog.  These systems rely on algorithms to analyze people’s faces and potentially discover hidden feelings. They are amassing an enormous visual database of human emotions and seeking patterns that can predict emotional reactions and motivations on a large-scale.

Using sophisticated emotion recognition software:

Major companies have been using increasingly powerful software to gauge people’s emotional response to advertising and marketing, and their webcam viewed response to using their products. The evolving technology is available to scan faces to assess emotional and motivational factors. Experience with emotion assessment software now extends over more than 2.4 million face videos and seven billion emotional reactions.

Knowing the emotional impact on the audience to increase your marketing ROI. 

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