Freeda Media

The “Predictive Click” metric provides an important indication of which video will generate the best interaction performance.
When producing branded content, one of the primary needs is to know whether the content will be relevant to the audience. Freeda Media commissioned us to develop a KPI to predict whether a video will be engaging, generate clicks to be seen and interactions with the audience, before posting it on social media.
The analysis process takes place using the dedicated SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform and cloud server for data processing. An online panel provider was used to recruit 118 people, women aged between 18 and 34 in Italy, who received the link to our platform in order to watch the videos. It does not require any particular hardware to analyse the emotional response other than a normal webcam and internet connection. The duration of the emotional analysis is exactly that of the content being analysed. The data, processed in real-time to capture every little emotional nuance of the audience, is subsequently aggregated and showed on the interactive dashboard to read the insights that emerge.
Subjects of the analysis
The subjects analysed are 3 videos, of different formats and lengths, in comparative mode that were subsequently published on the brand's social media channels.
Image module
Video A
Duration 50"
Image module
Video B
Duration 2' 07"
Image module
Video C
Duration 36"
Global performance
The “global performance” KPI makes it possible to immediately identify which video is most effective as a whole. This result is obtained from three different metrics: “Content effectiveness”, “Attention” and “Engagement”. At a glance, it can be seen that video A generates an extremely interesting result. The values are given on a scale from 1 to 10, where the highest value represents the best performance.
Video A
Global performance
Video B
Global performance
Video C
Global performance
Image module
Image module
Predictive Click
Through the KPI for digital performance, Freeda could find out what the sharing and click performance would be once the video was posted on social media channels. Specifically, for those who produce branded content, “Predictive Click” provides an important indication of which video will generate the best interaction performance. It offers a highly reliable correlation between the value shown and the results of audience interaction on organic traffic.
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