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Unveiling Humans Real Feelings: AI vs AI

Unveiling Humans Real Feelings: AI vs AI

In the realm of advertising, capturing attention and genuine emotional responses from the audience has always been the main goal. Recently, a new wave of commercials was created through Generative AI tools and it left advertisers and marketing professionals intrigued and scared at the same time. 

The main question they asked themselves was: “How do people really react to these commercials?” 

The answer to this question could be testing Generative AI outputs with Emotion AI tools, so the battle is equal: AI vs AI.

We made it with Pepperoni Hug Spot.

How did the Pepperoni AI Commercial really make people feel?

Recently, a group of YouTubers named “Pizza Later” decided to change the approach in the Adv creation and launched a new AI-generated commercial titled “Pepperoni Hug Spot”.

Generative AI tools are extremely powerful as they leverage advanced algorithms to create unique and dynamic content. 

After conducting a comprehensive analysis of the audience’s reaction to the Pepperoni commercial, our findings reveal a fascinating discrepancy between people’s expressed affirmations and their genuine emotional responses. 

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